Välkommen till Stockholm!!!
I've been living here in Sweden for about 4 months and last Monday was my first time to go to Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden. We went there to apply for my visa in British Embassy. Yes, we might go to London by end of this month so *fingers crossed!*. :)
From 3am, it took us more or less than 5 hours drive from Göteborg. Me and my husband loves travelling so it's always fun doing something like this. I had to always talk and entertain him so he won't fall asleep. Haha. We brought Jacky with us and thank God she's not car sick anymore. After we're done at the embassy we just look around the city, eat in a restaurant and that's it. We drove back home at night coz I have school in the morning. It's not enough time but we surely will go back there again sometime. :)
Anyways here's some of the pics we took there:

Beside this nice park lies the embassies of UK, US, Norway, Japan etc.

What a beautiful day :)

Just showing how it looks like there :P

Perfect timing when we got there, we saw this whatever you call it and I don't know what they're up to! :P

Of course, there's always camwhoring! :D

Their horses are pretty big. I felt like I'm watching a movie when I saw this. :P I'm not sure but I think this is how they do their changing of guards in the palace. Someone told me that they always do this everyday in the afternoon. I'll find this out next time we go back there :)

I don't know who those people are in the carriage, maybe a politician or some important personalities but I know for sure that they're not the Royal King and Queen of Sweden. :P

Infront of
Kungliga Slottet - The Royal Palace of Stockholm

Waiting for my prince! :P

Alright, we're on a rush when we went there so I don't know what's that building in the background so pardon me :P.

Arghh, this one too! I promise to find this all out and learn about it next time ok. :)
Ciao! xoxo