Hello To My New Red Laptop: Dell Inspiron 1545

I dreamed of a Macbook but aside from it is too expensive, my hubby doesn't like it because its got a different operating system which will make it so complicated for him to fix it in case it's got something wrong with it. But after I saw this red, trendy and shiny Dell Inspiron laptop, it changed my mind completely! :D We bought it while we were in London for a vacation so now I finally got my brand new laptop. Special thanks to my ever loving husband who bought it for me if not because of my old HP laptop just stopped working. Hehe. Being a travel junkie, fashionista and a gadget lover that I am, I'm loving it and it perfectly suits me. :)
I don't have my own official proper pic of it yet but I'll post it here as soon as I get one. For now here's a stolen pic of me, just when I hurriedly go home right after we got it. I went straight to the hotel where we were staying coz I was so excited to open it and set it up myself. Here is when I was amazingly using it and guess what I opened first?! ... FACEBOOK!!! LoL!
Cheers! c'',)