Introducing: Our New Pet!

Hmm, it's been awhile since my last post due to the busy-ness and adjustments I'm going through lately. Anyways, yesterday we went to Fristad, (outside BorĂ¥s) here in Sweden. Well, what we did there is just to check and see a Japanese Spitz puppy, which is going to be our pet soon. :) It took us 2 hours to get there and another 2 hours going back to our place but it was all worth it after we saw how cute the puppies are. Papa Lars is a pet lover. He grew up with lots of animals surrounding him so that's why. Be it horse, cats, dogs, etc. geezz, he's so fond of it. In his family, they treat animals just like humans. Unlike me, I grew up to where we don't really appreciate animals. For us, they were just pets. I can say that in Philippines, most people are cruel to animals. It's not that I hate pets but I'm scared of them. Or should I say I'm disgusted of them. I think they're all dirty. I don't really like touching them and I feel like they'll always bite me. Aside from that, I don't really like the responsibilities of having a pet. But Papa Lars was so persistent and tried to convince me about it. Part of it is because he badly wants to have a baby now. He's been ready long time ago while I'm not sure if I already am but I will be when the time comes. :) So I couldn't say no to him when he ask me to get a pet coz I know it's just his way of longing to have a baby. But after I said yes to him about getting a dog, we had some disagreements about what type of dog we'll get. I want a dog that is white, small and cute coz at least I wouldn't be that scared to them. While he wants a real big dog. He wanted a husky, labrador or golden retriever but he knew I wouldn't convince me to those ever. He considered getting a Jack Russel terrier instead but I still disagree about it. But one day, while we were walking around the city, we saw a woman who has this cute white dog. I felt so giggly seeing it. I told him that that's exactly the dog I want. So we asked the woman of what type of dog it is so there, she told us it's a Japanese Spitz. So right after we got home, we googled about it and there we found out how perfect it would be for us. So then we started looking for those types of puppies for sale and we're so lucky to have found one and we excitedly called the owner.
Just as we get there, to the place where the puppies are, I was all freaking out coz I didn't realize how many dogs they have in their house. It was like 9 dogs including the 6 puppies. But I was right. They're really adorable and kind. Right then, we're both sure we're gonna get one of them. Seems like I forgot my phobia with dogs when I saw them. They're all really cute so we were confuse about which to choose among 6 puppies. They all look just like babies wanting some attention. I wanted to bring one of them home that day already but too bad we couldn't yet. :( Here in Sweden, they have regulations in getting a dog. One of them is that it has to be 8 weeks old before you can actually sell a puppy or separate it from its parents. They don't sell dogs in a petshop here too. They have to stay with their parents in the house of their owners until they're ready to be sold. It's a very good policy that's why dogs here are so behave and well disciplined. The first time I got here in Gothenburg, I noticed almost everyone go for a walk with their pet dogs. So our new puppy will be 8 weeks after 7 more days so we have to go back there again to pick it up. It's a hassle but we don't have a choice. hihi.
For now, we're just waiting for our new pet and I'm sooo excited to bring her home. Yup, it's a girl so now we're also thinking and deciding for her name. We're thinking of Japanese names like Yuna which means blessing, Yumi means beauty, Yuki means snow, and some crazy english names, like marshmallow, gummibear, claudia, winter, snowie etc. (lol) but well, I'll just announce it here in my blog as soon as we've come up for anything. We already have been shopping for her bed and toys too. I'm sure she'll be like a spoiled brat puppy coz we will treat him just like our own baby. Lucky her! :D :D :D
Til' next time! :)