How We Met?

Most of the people I know wonders or usually ask me this question. Question should be, where we met. Some would guess that we met thru internet or online chatting. I don't know why they think that but they sound like as if online chatting is the only way to know or meet a foreigner boyfriend. I know that lot's of pinays nowadays do that and I know a lot of friends/people who found their love through internet but that's not what happened in our case ;-)
We met on December 27, 2004 in Hongkong. We were both young back then. I was 19 years old and he was 23. I don't wanna be so detailed here but it was a Cinderella type of story :P. I was working in one of the bars there as a waitress while he works in one of the US-based computer gaming company situated there. I was just there for 3 months while he was taking a break there for almost a year after he's been travelling around the world and enjoying his young and bachelor life. A Filipina and a Norwegian, came all the way to Hongkong just to meet each other?! I call it a destiny :).
From the very first time we met, we knew we like each other already. We started dating without talking about our feelings. I wasn't even sure if he's my bf already. I was clueless about our relationship back then. All I know is that we like each other. But we were tested with the time and situation. I had to go back to Philippines and I thought I will never see him again. But he made a way. He followed me :). He went to Philippines to meet my family and to get to know me more. That time I dont know what's really going on. My parents wouldn't even believe me when I told them that we were just friends. What should I tell them? He didn't even ask me if I love him and he never told me he loves me. But after his 2 weeks vacation with me, he realized he doesn't wanna live without me. To cut the story short, he brought me back to Hongkong until I realized that we're actually living in together already. Our situation, not being old enough and the visa problems that keeps us being separated is what pushed him to finally confess his true feelings for me. It was like a music in my ears when he finally said he loves me :)). But our trials and challenges doesn't end there. Ours is one of a long and tragic love story. If I could write it all and submit it for MMK (Maalaala Mo Kaya), i think it could win a most tearjerker story award! haha.
Anyways, that's how we met and that's how our love story started. I might blog more stories on my next posts but that's all for now. Ciao! :))