Busy bee

So here's my MISSION IMPOSSIBLE and we'll see how it'll work out in after a year. :)
1. Plan our wedding(s).
May 2010 is the target date. Imagine how tough it is for me to plan and organize both of our Philippine and Norway wedding on the same month next year. I feel like a celebrity, I have to plan our wedding a year earlier. So these days, a bride-to-be needs to be organized. Whew! :P
2. Update this blog everyday!
My wedding plans inspires me to do this, so I'll try to update this blog once and awhile about my wedding planning process and whatever that may come up in my everyday life :)
3. Learn Swedish.
Yeah, I'm gonna be in school soon to learn this language and just by thinking about it, I feel like I'm nosebleeding already! I'm a Filipina and my fiance' is a Norwegian then I'll end up learning Swedish. Ugh. I badly want to go to a University here or get a job so I hope I'll learn their language asap. But I'm so excited for this language course, at least I'm gonna meet new friends with different races. :)
4. Learn cooking & (baking).
It's not that I don't know how to cook but I'm just not confident with the way I cook. I dont know much about Scandinavian foods and I want to impress my inlaws everytime they come visit us. I also want them to try some Filipino foods but geeezz, I'm so scared to try coz im worried they'll throw it out. :P
5. DIET!!!
Yep. In capital letters! :P I'm getting fat and I can't be fat. Since I've moved here in Europe, it's so hard for me to watch my diet. I gained like 3 kilos in 3 mos and my belly fat is arrghhh! I have to be sexy on our wedding you know, so I know! I should start working out now before it's too late :P
6. Go for a driving class.
I'll be taking it too so goodluck to me. Hope my brain would be able to absorb everything I have to learn and accomplish this year.
There's more but that's all for now. I'll just end this post as..
to be continued..........