I'm now a December bride to be!
In case I have a regular reader here in my blogland, you might be wondering why I suddenly stopped writing about our upcoming wedding. So yep, it's because we decided to move it from May to December. We had talked and thought about it many times last Christmas and after we considered a lot of things we finally made up our mind and got our final decision after New Year.
I myself was really disappointed about it. We had lots of good reasons to push through our wedding on the original date. It was the perfect month for us but due to some unavoidable circumstances we had to do this big change. I knew our families would be disappointed about it too but in the end, there's nothing they can do but accept and support our decision. :)
Anyways so, we decided to move it on December but question was, what's the exact date? My first choice was Dec. 27 coz it is our anniversary as a gf/bf. Then 2nd option was Dec. 18 coz it's the closest weekend before Christmas day. We wanted to celebrate christmas together with my family in Philippines too and my inlaws wants to experience the Filipino christmas traditions. But unfortunately, we didn't realize that December is a peak wedding season. We already booked some of our suppliers that it's hard for them to adjust on our new wedding date. We had to consider their availability too. We ended up with December 8 instead, that's the only choice left. There's nothing we can do but stick with it. It great coz at least we have more time to prepare plus I'm so happy that we're able to get all the suppliers I want for our wedding. :)
There's is more other changes we did for our wedding and I have lots of stories and updates about our suppliers too butttt, i'll talk about it next time. :)
For now, if and in case you might be invited
to share with you my excitement
' Save the Date'
for our wedding
Dec. 08, 2010!!!

Tan dan tadan, tan dan tadan! :P